Sunday 8 July 2012


Feeders are the glue and adhesive to a takraw team, they set the ball to the preference of their strikers. Feeders must be agile and quick to respond. Among the three positions, feeders are usually the ones with the best ball control, many do not realise it but the feeder is the backbone of a takraw team. They make the gameflow more smooth and usually determine whether the striker can spike the ball "cleanly".

Feeders must be agile and have perfect ball control as takraw only allows 3 touches, if the initial serve is directed to the tekong (server) the feeder must set the ball regardless of how far or how difficult it is and also making it perfect for the striker to spike.

If the need arises the feeder too must spike the ball, the feeder in short can be considered a utility player in takraw. Below are pics of feeders roll-spiking

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